The Simple 1-2-3 Process to Conquer the End of 2020


by Dean Hamilton (Allegis Annuities Team)

Guess What - There are 134 days left in the year – crazy, right?!

2020 will be finished before we know it. So, here’s a simple 1-2-3 process to conquer those (roughly) four and a half months and get what you want out of this crazy year.

The process is just this simple - Carve out just 1 hour, in the next 2 weeks, and do 3 things:

  1. Take stock of your year so far. Have you accomplished what you set out to do? If not, it is OK.  Relax, take a deep breath, and realize, now’s the time to determine what is needed to readjust your direction.

  2. Celebrate your successes for the first 8 months of the year. Give yourself credit for what you have accomplished, and do not overlook the small wins. We often forget to acknowledge the things that have gone right, especially if they are seemingly insignificant.  But those are the things that give you power and momentum. Focus on what’s worked well this year, big and small – ace that course? Held your temper with your kid? Close that client? Remembered to wave with all 5 fingers extended in traffic this morning?  It all counts! Reflecting on what you have accomplished will help build confidence to work your plan for the rest of the year.

  3. Focus on one thing. Set a goal, break it down into actionable steps, and set them up as appointments on your calendar.  But, to avoid getting overwhelmed with what’s ahead, determine the ONE thing you will focus on to build momentum thru that last quarter. For me, I am part of a team with premium goals we are striving to hit. For my part in helping accomplish our team goal, I have a goal to develop new relationships with at least 4 agents who currently aren’t doing their annuity business with Allegis.  My ONE thing that will help me build that momentum is – connecting with and deepening my relationships with all of you – our existing agents.
    Truth be told, it gives me a little anxiety to think about. Believe it or not, I am a shy guy and don’t really like to step out of my comfort zone, especially with strangers. I have a hard time putting myself out there.  But the great thing is, now that I’ve made it public and shared with you my goal with you, I’m committed. No excuses!  You can do the same thing. Hold yourself accountable. Use me or the team as an accountability partner if you want.  But, focus on that ONE thing. 

That’s it!  It is as easy as 1-2-3.  One hour, two weeks, three things…

Take time NOW to think about what you want out of the next 133 days. Do not wait until September to plan out the rest of your year. You WILL get bogged down in the “fall rush” and your opportunity will pass you by.  Do it now.

Then, go enjoy the remaining warm summer nights, knowing you have a leg-up on rest of 2020.

Layne Turner